Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Community Choice Aggregation Approved

In a bipartisan vote on September 17, 2018, the Pittsford Town Board unanimously passed a local law that will allow the Town to establish a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. It was with pride in our community that I voted for this law. It is fiscally responsible, will make renewable energy accessible to all residents, and is environmentally imperative. 

Instead of using the default energy supplier designated by the state, CCA lets a town designate its own default energy supplier. By doing this as a town, we can aggregate our buying power to obtain energy at a more affordable rate. 

One of the most important choices a community makes through CCA is what kind of energy they want to purchase. I am committed to a 100% renewable CCA program that invests in renewable energy infrastructure right here in New York.

As residents who have studied ESCO options know, renewable energy ESCO contracts that are offered to individual consumers tend to have higher rates than RG&E. That limits renewable energy to those who can most easily afford it. Because CCA aggregates purchasing power across a town, and potentially in partnership with other towns, we can secure renewable energy at a rate that is either the same or better than what we currently get.This makes renewable energy accessible to all of the hard working families in Pittsford.

CCA allows for individual choice as well as community choice. Residents and business owners can opt-out at any time and at no cost. If you want to stick with RG&E, community solar, or an ESCO, you can do so. This respects consumers' rights to determine how they want to manage their energy.

CCA is environmentally imperative. Our climate is changing at a rate impacted by the carbon our industrialized society puts into the atmosphere. Ocean temperatures are changing, impacting both land and water ecologies. Individual actions such as recycling and making our homes more energy efficient are important. However, they will not solve climate change. That requires systemic solutions. CCA is one way Pittsford can impact carbon emissions at the level required to mitigate the climate crisis.

The next steps for CCA are that the Town needs to finish its discussions and negotiations with neighboring towns and determine if or how we will aggregate our purchasing power with them. Then we will issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) that allows CCA administrators to submit a proposal for our consideration. Once a CCA administrator is chosen, we can go to market and lock in a price. Throughout this process, input from residents will continue to be sought and thoughtfully considered.

I want to thank all of the residents who have been a part of this process. Whether you voiced support, opposition, or skepticism -- your voices were heard. More than 300 people attended the public information sessions held in April and June, many of whom spoke publicly about their views. At least 66 people have communicated with Town Hall by email or letter. Countless more have talked individually with Town Board members. I learned from and at times was challenged by you all. It was with careful consideration and much research over the past year and a half that I cast my vote to enable CCA in Pittsford.

If any resident or business owner in Pittsford would like to talk further about CCA or other ways you think the town can strengthen its environmental sustainability, please let me know. I am happy to get together and talk. You can reach me at stownsend@townofpittsford.org or (585) 690-9315. 

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